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Developing student digital skills and building confidence at the University of Southampton
18 April 2024
HE - students working with digital tablets classroom

In 2021/22 Jisc sent subject specialists to help Southampton lay the groundwork with an on-boarding presentation to university stakeholders and discussions with teaching staff about digital capabilities. We’re staying in regular contact to see how we can help to take things forward, and the university is a member of our building digital capability co-design group to give us feedback and develop Jisc’s service further.

The university’s team didn’t want to start small. They wanted to reach students right across the university. But first, they invested time in careful planning. For example, they decided not to use the standard wording offered with the questionnaires in the discovery tool. Instead, they tailored their own headings to make meanings very clear for different target groups.

“Southampton is a big, complex institution and we wanted to use precise language so users of the tool can easily identify themselves, but also so that faculties and departments can simply gather granular, actionable information,”

Alison Ormesher

The pilot stage started in the 2022/23 academic year and is ongoing.

Read the full University of Southampton case study here